Prayer ministry is the backbone of the church. A church that prayers together, stays together. Prayer is every Tuesday of every month to pray about our church and community.
Leader: Rev. Silvia Scott
Praise 4 Life Praise Team ministry serves the body of Christ by aiding in the worship experience.
Leader: Camille Barnes
Sound/Media ministry seeks to provide quality sound for all worship services. Our prayer is for people to be able to hear the Word of God clearly and to be able to respond to the Gospel message freely.
Leader: Illya Hunt
Soul Food ministry is the social ministry of the church. They happily provide a delicious meal after service every Sunday. If you have a passion for food and fellowship call them and become involved.
Leader: Geri McAdory
Connections ministry helps to connect all types of people to ALCBC. Regular attendees interested in ALCBC are invited to Coffee with the Pastor. Prospective members are connected with a member of ALCBC who prays and fellowships with them.
Community Outreach seeks to serve the community. Our desire to reach those in need with tools that will help them live an effective life. In all that we do, our aim is to reach out to those in need while showing the love of Christ.